“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms...” ― Henry David Thoreau


Mentors and inspiration.

Luisa and Pete have had a ton of help to get where they are from some really amazing people, but they have also met a lot of talkers that were of no help at all.  Learning to tell the difference has taken a fair bit of time and experience. Long Riding requires a certain kind of mindset above all else, and there are a few people that have helped Luisa and Pete become ‘horsemen’. Some are well known, others should be, but all share the same passion for horses and adventure with excuses left at home. It is an honour to share the following links to people who have done so much for us either through direct conversations, or the example they set for others to follow. Much like the other authors’ books we are proud to share, these legends and well worth chatting with to build your confidence, learn from, and find the inspiration to step outside your own comfort zone.


Julie Veloo.

The term “Gangster” is thrown about for the most part by wanna be’s and losers… but this woman is a stone cold gangster. Julie’s story is hers to tell; not mine, but her achievements and vision are so brilliant you damn near need sunglasses to look at it even on paper. A long rider with a difference, not just helping others achieve their dreams of riding Mongolia, but supporting orphans while doing it and smashing personal goals. Look her up on the link below; the woman is amazing, and we are honored to have her in our lives. She is a true inspiration.


Lorie Duff.

Lorie is an internationally renowned Canadian equestrian clinician, a horsemanship trainer, motivational speaker, consultant, and equine judge. But to Pete, she’s just Lorie. Achievements aside, she’s another eccentric equestrian character who is certainly not a book to be judged by its cover. Lorie has a heart of gold, has a soft touch with horses, and an even softer touch with obnoxious Australians. Lorie can see straight through a horse, and straight through a person too, and it’s because of this Pete and Lorie hit it off when they met in Mongolia a few years ago. She exemplifies ‘the soft touch’.


Tanja Mitton.

Equestrian Success and Mindset.

Luisa was very fortunate in having the opportunity to stay with Tanja during her time in Australia. It wasn't the lessons themselves but the way she taught Luisa to be aware of her thoughts that opened a door, and allowed her to develop in her own ways as a horsewoman. She has the ability to change lives, and without her influence in Luisa’s life there’s a very good possibility she would not have had the confidence to attempt her mad quest with Pete.