BPLC Equipment.
Ultra light, tough as nails, born of necessity.
Saddle bags, girths, outdoor gear, etc… we make it all!
I’ll admit, theres some good gear out there, but most is made to get a few good instagram photos at the trail head, or weighs way to much. Add horses to the mix, and all bets are off given their ability to ruin gear in a panic or stupid moment. After loosing or destroying much of our gear day 3 of our first long ride, we learnt “built to last”… often doesn’t mean built to last on horseback!
Rear saddle bags. From 250€ + tax
Twin 10 or 15 litre bags constructed of coated 1000den Cordura double stitched with Dynema thread and attached over the saddle via a chassis constructed of polyester webbing. The bags are padded to the inside to protect the horse and come with high quality plastic clips and are lined with submersible 10ltr bags making them both 100% waterproof and durable enough to last years and at least 10,000km of use. Twin medical pouches can also be added on request for and additional 40€.
Front saddle bags. From 80€ + tax
Front bags are designed to attach individually to the horn of either one of our saddles, or any saddle with a horn. They are made of coated 1000den Cordura double stitched with Dynema thread and are suitable for carrying a Jetboil stove, tethers, or hard feed for the horses. The bags are fastened closed with high quality plastic clips, and twin straps used to attach a tether on the outside of the bag can be added for an additional 20€. Twin medical pouches can also be added on request for and additional 40€ and waterproof inner bags can also be added for an additional 40€.
The essentials. 200€ +tax
With any saddle or saddle bag order we can add and attach where needed a lightweight axe / hammer for chopping wood and putting in a tether. We also add an IFAK med kit which contains a life and limb saving CAT torniquet, Israeli dressing and other essential items. I also include a SAM splint that can be used to splint limbs or make a neck brace. We will also sew on a pouch containing a multi tool for repairs on the road. A “Speedy Stitcher” and repair kit is also included containing all the items we needed while on the road.
Tethers. 8m 120€ / 12m 150€ + tax
Our tethers are made with heat treated 316 stainless steel and are very light as well as durable. They come in either 8- or 12-meter lengths and are made of 25mm x 2.5mm Biothane. Biothane is both very durable, and waterproof, meaning it doesn’t smell when the horses urinate on it, and is very friendly on a horse if they become tangled. The tethers have 2 swivels, as well as two light weight carabiner clips and are made of the highest quality materials we can source.
This is how Luisa trained Banditti to respect his tether. This gives the horses a different kind of freedom on long rides. Luisa is not a “professional” trainer but a long rider, and what she shares here works for her and Pete on the road.
REAL wild skins. from 50€ + tax
We are uniquely placed on the border of the Czech Republic, as well as having friends from here all the way to Mongolia who can supply us with ETHICALLY sourced wild skins and furs for use as with saddle blankets or coverings. We get absolutely superb sheep skins either short, and suitable for under a saddle, or very thick and luxurious for saddle covers. They are heavy, smell like a sheep and although professionally tanned, these are not the bleached lifeless rags you will find in tourist shops. These vary from 50 - 100€ depending on size and colour. We can also supply red deer skins as saddle blankets p.o.a.
Light weight shelter. 200€ + tax
Made of ultra-light weight silicone coated, diamond ripstop Cordura, the lightweight shelter is a very simple item that just has nothing about it that can fail if used correctly. Its dimensions are 3 x 3.5meters and it has 8 strong polyester paracord attachments and comes with 12 pegs. It comes with 2 light weight 11mm aluminium poles and is as simple a shelter as you will find. There are no zips that can fail, it allows good airflow in summer and you wouldn’t believe just how waterproof it is. Its biggest benefit is you can see the horses, and get to them very quickly if needed.
Light, full length saddle blanket and light sheep skin. 150€ + tax
We have spent a LOT of time researching the best way to protect a horses back while on the road, and there is no better solution than a well fitted saddle. But after countless hours testing temperatures of horses backs, testing for tenderness and managing horses on long rides we realise that the best thing you can do to protect your horse is get off and walk regularly. But… a light, clean sheep skin laid fur side down is the best way to protect the horses back from overheating and issues created by friction. Combined with a double layered blanket that doubles as a bed for you each night sitting above the sheep skin, this provides a perfect level of protection for your horse, as well as a bed for you each night.
The ULTIMATE long ride pad 425€ + tax
Made right here in Germany of ethically sourced wool from the Black Forest, these are the softest felt pads I have ever found. Made with nothing but love by the owner of the organically raised and beautifully cared for sheep, they are just perfect. As far as saddle pads go, these offer a higher degree of cushioning than almost anything else out there, and fold out to make a lovely bed. For colder climates, and for those that are a bit heavier, except no substitutes!
These are without exception, my number one pick for a ride you feel will challenge the limits of both your, and your horses comfort.
Double swag “bivi bag”. 350€ + tax
Made of coated 1000den Cordura double stitched with Dynema thread for the underside, the swag is very durable when laid on rough ground, with its top side made of waterproof but highly breathable 3-layer laminate ripstop material. Its dimensions are 140cm x200cm and comes ready to put up under a light weight shelter to function like a tent, or can be rolled straight on the ground so you can sleep under the stars. It also has a fine fly mesh to protect you from insects at both ends and is what we consider the best option for fog and humid conditions as the air flow reduces condensation considerably, while providing excellent weather protection, winter warmth, and cool, comfortable nights in summer.
Swag “bivi bag”. 250€ + tax
Made of coated 1000den Cordura double stitched with Dynema thread for the underside, the swag is very durable when laid on rough ground, with its top side made of waterproof but highly breathable 3-layer laminate ripstop material. Its dimensions are 80cm x200cm and comes with two 11mm aluminium poles and 6 pegs so that it can be popped up like a mini tent if desired. It also has a fine fly mesh to protect you from insects and is the easiest way to have your bed out and ready in seconds. The twin 2-meter zips are YYK coil type and very durable, and the whole swag rolls up into a waterproof roll secured by two straps.