Hybrid Dressage. 2000€ + tax.
- Currently under testing! -
Personally… I cant stand english saddles or anything about them but a ton of folks love them, and when asked, we oblige. The idea behind these is simply to offer those folks that “GO HARD” in any conditions a saddle they can absolutely abuse. Secured with a Y girth, you can hammer these thing through rivers, in the ocean, cover them in mud and just hose it off.
Why not just use a trail saddle?
I much prefer the trail saddles, but… I’m not my clients. Whatever saddle type you like, we will make it for you. But when we do, we will make sure it fits both you and your horse and for larger riders, these seats offer you room for big bums I simply cannot provide in a trail saddle. Although they offer you far less support when your horse acts a fool, they will be great for jumping hedges and for bigger riders.
We fit these with the same considerations we put into all our saddles, with open shoulders, a wide channel flared at the rear and absolutely tough as nails. A Y girth and breastplate keep them in place, and testing is going great so far!
Shipping costs are not included as they vary greatly and are additional. Buyer may choose shipping type and preferred carrier. A 30% deposit is required at the time of ordering of which a full refund will be given if we are unable to complete your order. Balance of payment is required prior to shipping, and due to the complicated nature of construction, time frame for delivery can be up to three months so booking in advance is advised. VAT is additional, as is a 5% surcharge when dealing with countries outside of the EU due to the complicated nature of shipping and additional paper work.